Executive Committee Meeting
1. Call to Order (1st. Vice President)
2. Identification of EXITS
3. Opening Prayer by Chaplain or Lay Chaplain _______________
4. Special Presentation by the President
5. Do we have a quorum? (Registration Chairman)
6. Welcome will be given by _________ County Exempt Executive Committeeman He /She will introduce the local Fire
Chief and Local Elected Officials.
7. Approval of Previous Minutes (Date) as posted on Website
8. Report from the Officers:
a. President
b. 1st Vice President
c. 2nd Vice President
d. Secretary
e. Treasurer
f. Internal Auditor
g. Statistician
h. Chaplains
i. Counselor
j. Record Keeper
k. Sergeants – at – Arms
l. Secretary to Executive Committee
m. Budget Committee
n. Community Service Award Committee
o. Constitution & By Laws Committee
p. Convention Committee
q. Convention Book Committee
r. Election Committee
s. Firemen’s Home Committee
t. Grave Markers & Flag Committee
u. Legislative Committee
v. Memorial Committee
w. New Associations Committee
x. Operational Manual Committee
y. Publicity Committee
z. Raffle Committee
aa. Registration Committee
bb. Resolutions Committee
cc. Scholarship Committee.
dd. Ways & Means Committee
ee. Web – Master Committee
ff. Badges and Plaques Committee
gg. Electronic Communication Committee
hh. Report on Fire Museum
9. Old Business:
10. New Business:
11. Past Presidents: See Page 3:
12. Special Guest
13. Next Meeting (2nd Vice President)
14. Good of the Order
15. Thank you to the Host Company.
16. Closing Prayer Chaplain or Lay Chaplain __________
17. Adjournment
1. Please turn OFF all Phones and Pagers or put them on vibration.
2. If you must take a call, please, take it out of the meeting room or in Zoom meeting go to Mute.
A. Please submit all reports in typed format to the Officers table, or send to Secretary three days before meeting.
B. When addressing the meeting or making a motion please uses the microphone. Give your name and County organization, first.
C. When seconding a motion, please come to the microphone give your name and County organization, prior to your second.
D. The Ways and Means Committee will be selling tickets as we are holding our meeting.
Past Presidents:
Mr. Roland Van Winkle 1990-1991
Mr. William Doherty 1992-1993
Mr. Frank Wheatley 1996-1997
Mr. William Beckett 1998-1999
Mr. John Leo Fedorka 2000-2001
Mr. Richard Vander Berg 2002-2003
Mr. Archie Roemmich 2004-2005
Mr. Joseph Pawlak 2006-2007
Mr. William Egbert 2008-2009
Mr. Robert Myers Jr. 2010-2011
Mr. Ted Vegh 2012-2013
Mr. Greg Kennedy 2014-2015
Mr. Glenn Roemmich 2016-2017
Ms. Elisa Fantozzi 2018 – 2020